To the Inbar center
לאבחון וטיפול פסיכולוגי מבית סייקטק. אנו מציעים אבחונים פסיכולוגיים מקיפים על מנת לזהות קשיים התפתחותיים, לימודיים ורגשיים ולסייע בטיפול בהם. הצוות שלנו מורכב מפסיכולוגים מנוסים ומומחים בתחומם, המתאימים את האבחון והטיפול לצרכים האישיים של הפונים אלו. אנו מאמינים כי אבחון נכון של הקשיים ותמיכה פסיכולוגית מתאימה הם המפתח לשיפור האיכות והתפתחות החיים. אנו מתרכזים בהענקת טיפול אישי ומקצועי לכל פונה.
The main evaluations offered at the center
All assessments are recognized by the appropriate committees: Classification and eligibility committee (ועדת אפיון וזכאות/השמה) and Bituah Leumi. They will be administered by experience psychologists who have the proper training and credentials
Pscyho-Educational Evaluations
The goal of the assessment is to evaluate specific learning processes and the cognitive-intellectual abilities that serve as the foundation of learning and gauge the differences between intellectual abilities and academic achievement. We also assess areas of competencies in the personal, emotional, behavioral and social spheres. The assessment can be subsequent to a recommendation from the school or at the initiative of the parents when they feel that their child needs additional support in the academic or social spheres. The diagnostic recommendations are used to help determine educational accommodations within the framework of the Classification and Eligibility Committees (ועדת אפיון וזכאות formerly ועדת השמה). In certain cases, the clinical team together with the family will decide on didactic evaluation only. In such cases, it will be possible to complete the psychological component when necessary. We also offer Psycho-Educational Assessment for adults. This, to obtain accommodations at institutes of Higher Education including accommodations for the psychometric exam.
Developmental Evaluations
Child developmental psychological assessment is the process of assessing the cognitive, motor, social and emotional development of young children. The evaluation is carried out under the guidance of a developmental psychologist. The referral for diagnosis is usually made by the family doctor or the professional staff at the kindergarten. The diagnosis includes observation of the child while performing age-appropriate tasks, as well as questionnaires for the parents and the kindergarten staff. Areas of assessment include language development, fine and gross motor skills, social interaction, problem solving and emotional regulation. The results of the assessment can help identify developmental delays or concerns and guide the design of interventions or treatment plans to support child development and well-being.
אבחון אוטיזם והפרעות בתקשורת
אבחון הפרעות בתקשורת מתבצע ע"י פסיכולוג שמוכר כמאבחן הפרעות בתקשורת כולל הפרעות על ספקטרום האוטיזם. האבחון כולל מפגשים עם הילד/ה וההורים, ראיון ותצפית על הילד/ה בעת ביצוע משימות מסוגים שונים בעזרת כלי אבחון ייעודיים לתחום האוטיזם, וכן שאלוני תפקוד והתנהגות למילוי ההורים ולעיתים הגננת/המורה. האבחון נועד להעריך האם הילד סובל מהפרעת תקשורת כלשהי, כולל הפרעה על ספקטרום האוטיזם. ואם כן, לקבוע מהי רמת העזרה שנדרשת על מנת לקדם את התפתחותו בצורה המיטבית. האבחון מוכר ע"י מערכת החינוך ומשרד הבריאות.
The diagnosis of ADHD includes meetings with the child and parents, behavioral observations, questionnaires for parents and teachers, and occasionally a computerized test (CPT). The psychologist will also review the child's medical history, academic performance and social functioning. Based on the results of the evaluation, the psychologist will give recommendations for treatment and/or accommodations at school. Diagnosis at an older age allows for accommodations on psychometric exams and during academic studies. For the psychometric exam a letter from an MD (psychiatrist or neurologist) is also required.
Bi-Lingual Assessment
Bi-Lingual Assessment is not simply checking whether the person’s vocabulary or other technical skills are at “expected” levels. Rather, bi-lingual assessment needs to evaluate if the linguistic processes are impaired in one or more of the languages spoken. Among other things, we need to measure the breadth and depth of each language. It is possible that a language disorder effects both language or that the bi-lingual background will impair or simply impede one or more languages. Bi-lingual assessment must evaluate all the linguist functions and abilities in order to appraise all levels of function.
Evaluation Process
The assessments at the center will be conducted by our psychologists and under the direction of Dr. Shrell-Fox
Evaluation Process - Minors
The Process of assessment begins with an initial meeting with the parents and a discussion about the child's family and personal background. From the age of 16 and up, we recommend that this meeting takes place with the teenager. After that, there are 2-3 diagnostic sessions of one to two hours each in which the diagnostician meets with the child to administer diagnostic tools, in order to form an impression in a structured way. At the end of the formal assessment and evaluation process, a meeting is held with the parents for a summary conversation. Recommendations for educational and social accommodations are presented based on the information that arose from the diagnosis. Sometimes the child attends part of the summary session. Within a week or two, depending on the time of year, the parents receive the written diagnostic report including the recommended accommodations for educational frameworks. Reports are provided in one language, decided on together with parents.
Evaluation Process -Adults
The diagnosis begins with an introductory meeting and background conversation. After that, about 4-5 hours of evaluation are required to complete the necessary tests. At the end of the process there is a summary meeting and recommendations for accommodations based upon the findings. The staff will also inform the client of other steps that may be required beyond the testing, in order to receive accommodation. This includes, though is not limited to, the collection of past evaluations, meeting with college or university staff and more. The official report will be provided within 1-2 weeks.
Paul Shrell-Fox, PhD

Dr. Paul is a Licensed Educational Psychologist with more than 30 years of experience in the field of Psychological and Psychoeducational Evaluations (פסיכו=דידקטי). He has performed these evaluations for all ages, from age 4 to adults. He specializes in Bilingual (English-Hebrew) Assessments. Dr. Paul lectures at the Efrata Academic College in the Special Ed. Program.
Bi-Lingual Assessment : English-Hebrew
מרצה במכללת אפרתה – החוג לחינוך מיוחד וגיל הרך.